Monday, December 1, 2008

What's left?

So in order for us to be finished with our Gladney application, we have to finalize up our references, get FBI clearance and get those health forms filled out. Unfortunately, with Pete's schedule at the hospital I can't get him to the darn police station or to the doctor this week. ARGH. At least our I-600A is out there. I guess we'd have to wait for that appointment anyway, right?


Nikki said...

Hi Megan! Just wanted to make sure you got my email and check if you are still interested in the blog makeover. I have a discount going on for the next few days so check out the blog for details :)

karichuckroryskylar said...

Please have Pete take a day it a sick day...whatever. I just was reading through all the blogs on your list and realizing how many steps there are and the wait even after all the steps are completed. It is very exciting.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, check out any tips on how to make it better?